Dimensions: 30x35ft, 17 ft to the grid
Prep/Strike $300.00 10 hours
Prelight $500.00 12 hours
Shoot $500.00 12 hours
Overtime (after 12 hrs.) $ 75.00 per hour
Power (600 amps Bates) $ 20.00 per hour
Prep Days (house power) $ 50.00 per day
Air Conditioning/Heating $ 50.00 per day
Telephone $ 35.00 per line
Telephone/local calls .00 no charge
Telephone/long distance .25 per min.
Fax machine $ 35.00 per line
Fax machine/in house $ 1.00 per copy to send or receive
Copy machine (unlimited) $ 35.00 per day
Copy machine (single sheets) $ .10 per copy
Rubbish removal $ 50.00 per bin
Floor painting $ 100 – $200.00 priced as needed
Complete 16 & 35mm camera packages priced as needed
Lighting packages priced as needed
Stage/facility cleaning (if left unclean) $ 100.00
Separate pre-stage/holding area $ 100.00 per day
Make-Up & Wardrobe/Dressing area $ 50.00 per day
Kitchen facility/general use $ 50.00 per day
Kitchen facility/commercial use $ 100.00 per day
Universal Gym (commercial use only) $ 100.00 per day
Darkroom $ 50.00 per day
Folding tables $ 10.00 per day (ea.)
Folding chairs $ 3.00 per day (ea.)
Director’s chairs $ 10.00 per day (ea.)
Client lounge & bar/conference room $ 150.00 per day
Private viewing room overlooking stage $ 50.00 per day
Production office/1st fl. (with bathroom) $ 100.00 per day
Production office/2nd fl. (with bathroom) $ 75.00 per day
Production office/2nd fl. (w/o bathroom) $ 50.00 per day
Regular Business Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
First 10 hours: No charge
After 10 hours: $ 25.00/hr
After Midnight: $ 35.00/hr
Mon – Fri: Late Start Management Fee: $ 35.00/hr
Sat & Sun: 10 hrs. or less: $150.00/day
$75.00/hr for first four (4) hours; $95.00 for second four (4) hours; $115.00 thereafter.
Saturday is an additional charge of $275.00; Sunday additional charge $375.00.
Stage interior: Black on black on black
Red light and bell outside stage door
MDF floor
CV refrigerator and sub-zero freezer in kitchen
Ample parking in back lot (20 spaces)
Third party property damage coverage is required.
The limits are based on your rental/contract:
$250,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000. Hollywood Camera, Inc. to be named additionally insured and loss payee at all times.
C.O.D. unless otherwise arranged
We specialize in 35mm digital motion picture and film camera rentals. We take pride in offering exceptional service to our clients and building long term relationships. Our lens collection at Hollywood Camera ranges from some of the all time classics to the latest zoom and primes available on the market. All our camera packages are accessorized for the productions needs and budget.